Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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News and Events

Women's Health Tasmania hold events throughout the year to inform, entertain and celebrate women. Upcoming events are listed below, advertised in our Newsletter, and on our Facebook page.

What does PMDD mean? A Webinar

PMDD means Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder! It’s a cyclical, hormone-based mood disorder. It’s linked to the menstrual cycle, but it’s so much more than feeling sad or irritable before your period comes.

Banner with image of woman with shirt pulled over her face, and text saying 'What does PMDD mean? Free webinar: Tuesday 18 June 2024 12:30-1:30PM'

We're looking for Peer Workers

Applications are now closed.

Thank you for your interest in the Peer Worker opportunity with Women’s Health Tasmania (WHT).

We're looking for people who have had experience of having an abortion in Tasmania in the last 10 years to join our team as Peer Workers.

Why do I need to have ‘lived experience of having had an abortion’?

What's with Women and ADHD? A Webinar

Why is everyone is talking about women and ADHD?

Because it's different. On Tuesday the 12th of March 2024, Women's Health Tasmania hosted a webinar about women's experience of ADHD. Our guest speaker was Dr Maddi Derrick, a Clinical Psychologist and the founding Director of the Hobart ADHD Consultants. 

Banner with image of woman and text saying 'What's with women and ADHD? Free webinar: Tuesday 12 March 2024 12:30-1:30PM'

Period Undies are back!

Thanks to all your generous donations we are able to offer more free period undies to people in Tasmania!

Our Undies Project sends people on low incomes 5 pairs of period friendly underwear in their size. Period friendly undies absorb moisture. They are reusable. They're better for the planet and they're cheaper than buying single use items! 

Logo that says 'The Undies Project'

You are invited to our Women's Self Care Workshop!

Does self-care sound like 'just one more thing' on your to-do list?

This workshop is for you!

You'll leave this workshop with a new take on self-care; feeling confident and knowledgeable.

This workshop is interactive, supportive and full of practical tips for managing your wellbeing.

Poster with Self Care Workshop Information

Menopause Workshop - Shining light on the mystery of menopause, together.

What is menopause?  

Is it awful? Are there good things about it? 

Am I there yet? How will I know? 

How does my body change with menopause? 

Are there things I can do to feel better with these changes? 


Do you want answers to these and other questions you have about menopause? 


Image of a woman detective with a magnifying glass and torch. The text is inviting people to participate in consultation regarding menopause.


Come and join us for our 35th Annual General Meeting. Meet the WHT team and Board, enjoy the speakers, and the nibbles.

Please RSVP to if you are coming.

Advertisement for the Annual General Meeting

Beyond Safe: good abortion care in Tasmania

We’re ready to move beyond feeling relief that we have access to abortion care if we need it, to talking about what good practice looks like in this area of health care.

The webinar is designed for both providers and users of health services in Tasmania.

Image shows artwork of women standing in a circle from an aerial view. Text reads: Beyond safe: good abortion care in Tasmania

ENDometriosis: new pathways for care in Tasmania

ENDometriosis. It’s been described as the most common devastating disease you may not know.

Image description: Poster of a woman in a pink jumper looking directly at the camera, her hand outstretched, palm faced to the camera, signaling 'Stop'. Text on her right reads, 'ENDometriosis: new pathways for care in Tasmania. Date: Tuesday 20 June 2023. Time: 12:30-1:30PM. Free webinar.'

Badass or bleeding? What menstrual phase are you in?

Where are you in your menstrual cycle today, and what do you need?

Women's Health Tasmania has developed a new resource to support undersntading of what you need and how this changes throughout your cycle.

The four typical phases are outlined below.

A circular diagram is cut into four segments, each representing a stage of the menstrual cycle.