Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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The advertisement for the original consultation for the menopause workshop
The advertisement for the original consultation for the menopause workshop

The Menopause Workshop

Through a process of co-design with Tasmanian women who are going through menopause Women's Health Tasmania has developed a workshop for the ages! It is a fun, experiential, discussion-based workshop about menopause, what it is, what it feels like, and what helps you to get through it. Get in touch if you would like us to run this workshop in your community.

The Menopause Workshop - with resources in Simple English

Women's Health Tas was asked to develop a workshop by Speak Out, a member organisation for people with intellectual disabilities. The new workshop is fun, discussion-based and informative - designed with resources in Simple English for easy accessibility.  Get in touch if you would like us to run this workshop in your community.

Podcast resources

Season One of our sexual and reproductive health-focussed podcast series, She's Out There, included podcasts about menopause. 

Ep 2: Menopause - over to you, Dr Sue

Ep 2a: Taking the power surge perspective on menopause