Open 9.15am–4pm Mon–Thurs

25 Lefroy Street
North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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News and Events

Women's Health Tasmania hold events throughout the year to inform, entertain and celebrate women. Upcoming events are listed below, advertised in our Newsletter, and on our Facebook page.

Ask Fanny: A Webinar About Pelvic Floors

This webinar was hosted by Women's Health Tasmania on October 10, 2022. It explores everything related to pelvic floor, and will interest community and health sector workers, as well as anyone with a pelvic floor (you!). You can find a recording of the webinar here.  

Ad for webinar shows 1950s style older woman reading a letter

New training opportunity!

Pregnancy Options and Reproductive Coercion training

Women's Health Tasmania is partnering with Queensland's innovative Children By Choice to present a unique training opportunity for Tasmanian workers.

The training presents evidence-based strategies for people who provide counselling, support or health care to people who are pregnant.

Advertisement for training with dates and logos

Listening to Women Migrants: A Webinar

In this webinar we explore the reasons why maternal health outcomes for women from migrant and refugee backgrounds are worse than those of other women in Australia, and what can be done to change this.  You can find a recording of the webinar here. 

Image shows a background of coloured interlocking puzzle pieces, with text that reads: Listening to Women Migrants: What we can learn about making reproductive health more accessible.

Protest. We might be seeing the end of it

Why are we opposed to the Police Offences Amendment (Workplace Protection) Bill 2022

WHT’s Board is very concerned about the potential impact the proposed changes to the Police Offences Act is going to have on civil society protests.

Women holding banners at the March 4 Justice rally

New report on women on temporary visas

Women on temporary visas and with the services that work with them tell us that women who come to Australia as ‘temporary’ migrants are very vulnerable to poor health outcomes.

Mother and baby

Non-Fatal Strangulation and Reproductive Coercion Webinar

This is the second of our webinars on family violence, in partnership with the Women's Legal Service, and was held on April 12, 2022. You can find a recording of the webinar here.

What are 'non-fatal strangulation' and 'reproductive coercion'? What new health-related offences in family violence are proposed?

Image with the details of the webinar - Non-Fatal Strangulation and Reproductive Coercion: New health-related offences in family violence?

Knit Your Bits

Knit Your Bits is a craft project about women’s bodies. During 2021 we asked women to sew, knit or crochet part of their body for an exhibition to celebrate International Women’s Day in March 2022.

Our goal was to create positive understandings of the diversity of women’s bodies using craft and community. 

Knit Your Bits. Which bit will you knit?

A Webinar on Family Violence: What constitutes family violence and what does the law say?

We hosted the first of our webinars on family violence, in partnership with the Women's Legal Service and their Principal Solicitor, Elise Whitmore on November 25, 2021. You can find a recording of the webinar here.

Image with the details of the webinar - What constitutes family violence and what does the law say?

Vaccines and Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Children and Youth: A Webinar

After our popular webinar on vaccine hesitancy, we invited Public Health Physician Dr Shannon Melody back to talk to us about the issues that Tasmanians are asking about.

Image of pregnant women with face mask on and heart shaped band aid where she has had her vaccination along with details of the webinar.

Helping Tasmania deal with vaccine hesitancy

We can do it! Helping Tasmania deal with vaccine hesitancy

How community sector workers and allied health professionals can help.

The conversation was a live Q & A with Infectious Diseases Physician Dr Katie Flanagan, and Public Health Physician Dr Shannon Melody.   Participants asked COVID-or Vaccine-related questions.

Image of Rosie the Riverter getting her vaccine and all the details of the webinar event