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North Hobart, Tasmania 7002

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Helping Tasmania deal with vaccine hesitancy

We can do it! Helping Tasmania deal with vaccine hesitancy

How community sector workers and allied health professionals can help.

The conversation was a live Q & A with Infectious Diseases Physician Dr Katie Flanagan, and Public Health Physician Dr Shannon Melody.   Participants asked COVID-or Vaccine-related questions.

Image of Rosie the Riverter getting her vaccine and all the details of the webinar event

HerVote is OurVote: Women candidates for the State Election.

Women's Health Tasmania's held a Candidates Forum for the 2021 State Election on April 27. It was a chance for women to put their questions about policy issues affecting women to candidates from the 3 major political parties.

Sarah Courtney (Liberal Party), Cassy O'Connor (Greens) and Rebecca White (Labor Party) formed the panel and responded to questions sent in by you, the audience.

Image with the details of the forum

Please Stand Here: Tasmanian Women Talk About Pandemics, Public Health and People

We celebrated International Women’s Day with a free online panel discussion on Wed 10th March.  That week was exactly one year since we started to hear, ‘Stand here.’ ‘Stay home’…for all our sakes’.

Woman stands in a powerful pose, wearing a superhero outfit.